domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Miami beach

Just, amazing. 

Miami beach is the same as you can see in the films, series, video-clips etc. 

The avenues are full of people, walking, or skating, some of them showing their cultural bodys, other driving fancy cars with loud music, while any tourist, like me, is taking pictures of them.

As in Spain it is said, is plenty of "postureo". 

Bars where people drink super cocktails in super cups (I have never seen cups as big as that one);
pubs with super DJs, where, already in the afternoon, there are queues of young people waiting for the party. 

And kilometres of white sand beach. 

As a friend told me: is like living constantly in a Daddy Yankee's video clip.

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016


El lugar más bonito, artístico y bohemio de Miami. 

Por casualidades de la vida fui a parar allí, de la mano de una excelente guía. 

Wynwood, el llamado Arts District es un lugar lleno de color, de vida, de creatividad. Caminar por sus calles es no parar de mirar de un lado para otro, de arriba a abajo, porque por todas partes, en cualquier rincón, hasta bajo tus pies, hay imágenes que no te puedes perder. 


En definitiva, un lugar que inspira a cualquiera. 

Welcome to Miami

I arrived to Miami airport at night, and how was my welcoming? it was raining quite a lot...but it was warm!! Bye bye winter!!

After my first day there my first impressions were:

-Miami people don't speak English, don't speak Spanish, they speak Spanglish. 
It was very funny the first time when I went to a shop and the shop assistants spoke 3 or 4 words in English, followed by 3 or 4 in Spanish, they change automatically from one language to other. They are really bilingual, one of my goals it will be to be like them!

-Miami is luxury. Luxury shops, luxury cars, luxury buildings, luxury restaurants. As I say is a city for rich people. 
The thing that surprised me the most it was the apartment's lobby , they are like hotel's hall, very fancy, they have restaurants inside, shops, hairdressers, gym, swimming pools, huge parkings...

-Big. The building size, the wide avenues, make you feel very small. You feel like a little ant in the middle of the jungle. 


-Trolley. In Miami there are different public transports, one of them is the metro rail, like in the Simpons. But my favourite one is the trolley, is like a little train carriage with an old fashioned appareance and is so cute. And the most important, is free.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

Next stop...

Y llegó el día, en menos de 24 horas comenzará una nueva aventura. La chica de aldea cruzará el charco. 

Después de una larga espera emprenderé rumbo a tierras americanas, algo que, no puedo decir que nunca habría imaginado porque me imagino en cualquier lugar de este mundo, pero algo, que no hubiera imaginado que sucedería en un futuro tan próximo. 

Al otro lado del océano me esperan innumerables lugares por descubrir, personas por conocer, momentos por vivir...

Me siento como una niña pequeña a la que le entregan un enorme paquete envuelto por un precioso papel de regalo. Soy esa niña impaciente y expectante por abrir ese paquete repleto de sorpresas. 

Así que, solo me queda decir: ¡Hasta pronto España!

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

Moments in the countryside...

Many times I complaint about to live in the countryside, because it has a lot of inconvenients; but also I admire the beauty that nature offers to us. 

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016


Hay veces en las que te dejas cosas por preguntar, en las que no sabes qué pasa por la mente de otra persona  y pese a que intentas entenderlo te es imposible encontrar la respuesta.

Y es, por esas dudas, que nos creamos nuestras propias historias, donde le damos a los personajes los papeles que consideramos más adecuados de acuerdo con nuestras percepciones. Percepciones que nunca sabremos si verdaderamente se corresponden con la realidad.

¿Y si no nos quedásemos con esas dudas? ¿Y sí en lugar de tratar de crear nuestra película, tratáramos de averiguar la historia real?

A veces por basarnos en suposiciones, por guardar silencio, se llegan a puntos donde el desenlace es imposible de cambiar.

Por eso, me digo: no supongas tanto, no des por hecho que siempre A+B va a ser = a C, no seas tan rígida, tan presupuesta, se valiente y simplemente, satisface a tu curiosidad.

Pero...del dicho al hecho...hay un buen trecho...

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

The puzzle.

The origin of human life.

We came from the union between two humans like them.

Two humans that have a special feeling, two humans involved in passion, in attraction, in love or not.

Two humans expressing a wish. A wish that it turns out two bodies in only one. 

It is one of the best sensations, when you feel that one of the most special person in your life is embracing you like if you were the most important piece in his puzzle.

A puzzle that maybe it won’t be eternal.

Some of us, spend a big part of our life trying to find the correct piece. Instead, others, try to be happy with the first one that they have chosen, but they won't ever know if another piece would have been better than their current one. 

Sometimes you like a piece so much that you want it in your puzzle although it is impossible to fit in. 

Other times you fit a piece for a while, but after, you realize that it doesn't work as you had expected. 

And in occasions you think: Will I find the proper piece any time in my life, will I find several ones, or won't I find no one of them? 

But you always have to keep in mind something: the most important piece in your puzzle, is you.