martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

Could you separate feelings from pleasure?

My answer is No.

I think that from the moment you meet a new person , and you introduce a new person into your life you are bringing into play emotions, because people are emotional.

The first time you speak face to face with a person, you share with him/her, gazes, smiles, gestures...and with these you express feelings, you tell more about yourself and about how this person makes you feel.

But what about relationships? Is it possible to keep a relationship with someone just for pleasure? Without any feelings? The only feeling being just a kind of "friendship"? or the only feeling being just an attraction?

Currently, this kind of relationship where it seems that nobody has feelings for anyone is fashionable. " I don't want anything from you, I just want to enjoy the moment".

But when you enjoy the moment with someone, when you share great moments with a person, don't you feel anything?

I don't think so...

I think that this is a "trick" that people use in order to to deceive themselves. Because people don't want to get hurt , people have fear, fear of having a special feeling for someone who may not feel the same, nor to give them the answer they want.

Nowadays lot of people pretend to wear a shield that protects them from emotions, but this shield sometimes is weak, it is broken and they realize that they feel more than they thought.

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