domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016

The Keys: el paraíso de Florida.

The Florida Keys ( Los Cayos) are a place that we could call : the paradise. Their beautiful beaches, with crystalline water, their fine and white sand, their not crowded areas, make a perfect place that can give you a special peace and calm.

There are around 1700 islands, one of them is the nearest point from Cuba, it is called Key West or Cayo Hueso, and is just 140 km from the Cuban island.

Cayo Largo is the closer key from Miami, it 's one hour's drive, and the first thing that surprised me there, it was the mailboxes.

Most of them were so cute, some of them had figures of animals, like this manatie, other were decorated like a bus, or just with different things. I would have liked to take a picture of each one of them but I couldn't stop in our trip every 30 seconds to do that. 

In Cayo Largo, I had the opportunity to try some Key's typical dishes like: aligator bites (the taste is similar than the chicken' taste) , conch (not cock) oysters and Key Lime Pie (the best one).

Why I say "conch" but not "cock"? Because when I was in the restaurant with my friend (american) she asked me: "So, Haven't you ever tried conch?" and I heard " cock" , so I replayed: If I have never tried cock???" She started laughing and told me: "Don't say that please, don't say that"! After that, I will never forget the word " conch" ...things that happens with english and it's pronuntiation...

 Bahia Honda is another Key, in order to get there you have to go by the "7 mille bridge", a bridge almost 11 km long. 

(when I see this type of constructions I think: How can human being build this??)

And also in the way you can see some islands like this, that is "private" (de esto que te quieres dar un capricho y dices, ¿y porqué no, comprarme una islita?)

And here the Bahia Honda beach, until now, for me, the most beautiful beach in Florida. 

Finally, Isla Morada, a key  where I saw the most beautiful sunset that I' ve never seen.

 Wonders of the world.

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